Tuesday, September 27, 2005



Hot on the heels of a sweeping victory in the Troy City Council races, County Democratic Chair of Cities Lynn Mahoney will be in Europe for three weeks, savoring the sweet success of the November results.

The Democrats took five of the contested seats in Troy, giving them a majority for the first time in years. The Democrats also made surprising gains on the County level, winning eight legislative races, the County Court race and......Hold on. Just a minute.......

Never mind. It's only September 27. Our calendar is all screwed up.

Why is the de facto Troy Chair in Europe for three weeks during the height of the election season? Our handy-dandy political abacus tells us that the Democrats have a chance to make gains this fall. True, not many, but the Republicans are scared of Mike LoPorto (At-Large), Clem Campana (At-Large) and Dunne. There may be a few other races closer than expected.

Europe is lovely but what kind of sign does this send to the candidates? Is this a sign that Mahoney believes her days as a party sachem are numbered? The party in Troy needs a strong chair. None of the Co-Chair crap.

A few years back, after being ignored by the County Chair, Troy Democrats took it upon themselves to select Mahoney to fill the vacant position of City Chair. Mahoney then went on to oust that County Chairman. Maybe what goes around comes around.


As predicted here, the Republicans withdrew their Ballot challenge to an absentee ballot cast in the Working Families Party At-Large primary. We await Mr. Pascarell's apology to the lady in question. Pascarell called for an investigation into the matter and then they fold without a fight. Bill, take it easy on the Hudson River water.


For those of you who tilt right, you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a College Republican here. We particularly like the photo of the Siena College students protesting Cindy Sheehan with their, "Freedom isn't Free" placards. No, freedom isn't free but homemade posters come very cheap. Haul your asses down to the recruiting office and start paying up.

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