Monday, July 18, 2005


The Times Union originally broke the story about the new County Court Judgeship and just who might run for that seat. That has led to the question of who will be the next District Attorney. Why? Because rumor has it that the conduct-challenged DA, Trish DeAngelis will get the nod for the bench.

Talespin tells us that the Judgeship and the District Attorneys race will go to the Republicans. Therefore, we expect they will not cover the races for those offices. If you know who's going to win, where's the news? That damn liberal media strikes again.

If DeAngelis becomes County Court Judge, the DA's office will be up for grabs. One suggestion is that it will go to Jack Casey, the GOP County Chair. Casey is a fine writer but DA material? Still, he'll have the inside track because he is close to the Brunswick Mafia.

Here's one question to ask Mr. Casey if he's serious about being District Attorney: Should Mary Beth Anslow have been let out of jail early?

From a media perspective it's a fun question. From a political opponent, it's a win-win question. Casey was Anslow's attorney. How would you like it if your attorney did not want you out of jail early? So, if he says no, what kind of advocate would he be? If he says yes, what kind of District Attorney would he be. It's a great question because "I can't comment" means yes.

Another name bandied about with less attention is Greg Cholakis. If Rensselaer County has to have a Republican District Attorney, this is one you want. Greg is smart, decent, honorable and would be a fine public servant. If he runs, he'd get my vote unless the Democrats come up with a comparable opponent. He hasn't got a chance.

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