Saturday, April 16, 2005


Congressman's son indicted on assault charges
By: Capital News 9 web staff

Months after an August brawl that left one man with serious injuries, Congressman John Sweeney's son has been indicted in Saratoga County.

John Sweeney, Jr., 19, was indicted Thursday on assault and gang assault charges. Two other teenagers were also charged on the same counts after a fight in Stillwater last year that officials believe may have involved between 15 and 20 people. One man, Matthew Brady, was taken to the hospital with serious head and facial injuries.

In a statement, Congressman Sweeney said "I have every confidence in my son's innocence and I am certain the judicial process will reflect his innocence. There was no evidence or justification for the charges that have been made, and I am deeply disturbed by the lack of a thorough investigation during the early stages of this incident."

If convicted, Sweeney Jr. could face up to 15 years in prison.
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Sweeney has hired attorney E. Stuart Jones. Jones better do his job because this kid would be very popular in a state penitentiary (and he'd probably be renamed Joan).

We understand Sweeney's parental devotion to young John, but "no evidence or justification for the charges..."? Hello, John: Brady had to go to the hospital. Brady had head and facial injuries. This happened in August of 2004. Hardly a rush to judgment. We doubt a Saratoga Grand Jury indicts the son of Congressman because there is no evidence. It's not difficult to get an indictment but they have to have some evidence that a crime was committed and that Sweeney committed that crime.

It will be interesting to see if Sweeney gets the preferential treatment that the local aristocracy usually receives in dealing with the authorities.

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