Sunday, February 27, 2005



In 1999, Deputy Mayor Dan Crawley pledged to his former Lansingburgh High School classmates that he had "said goodbye to Troy for good", and removed to the pleasant confines of Brunswick. Did he lie? Apparently, because he was lured back to Troy by the prospect of sucking off the public teat for a few more years. Here's what Deputy Dan had to say:

Well it seems that our webmaster would like a little more info and "sup" was'nt good enough, so here we go. After working as the welfare man for over 10 years at Rensselaer County DSS, I move over to the Pataki administration, for the last 2 years I have been the Project Director for the Family Literacy/Employment Readiness Project. I am now currently the network administrator and webmaster for the NYS Council on Children and Families. I am part of the Lt. Governors taskforce on School Violence. I am treasurer and webmaster for the Rensselaer County Republican Committee. I provide webpages for several different non-profit organizations including volunteer work for our next Senator from New York THE Honorable Rudy Guilianni.I finally graduated from HVCC, class of "99" and it only took me 20 years. The most important things in my life right now are my son Danny (20 months) and my wife of 8 years Julie. We purchased a house in the Town of Brunswick last year and said goodbye to Troy for good. I also have my own web design business and DJ service. REMEMBER BE YOUNG, HAVE FUN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN. did I mention I suck at golf?Dan Crawley Wednesday, September 29, 1999

You can read it here.

Also, Dan, if you're going to work for the next Senator, you might as well know how to spell his name - G-i-u-l-i-a-n-i

Deputy Dan in 1999, saying Goodbye to Troy

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